Please be advised: ReEnvision Marriage and Family Therapy is only seeing clients via Telehealth until further notice.


Couple Therapy
ReEnvision helps couples understand what makes their dynamic work - or not. Whether you are dating, engaged, married, or in a seriously committed relationship, ReEnvision can help you develop the kind of relationship you want. Here are some common couple issues that are addressed:
Communication skills
Conflict resolution
Understanding boundaries
Relationship transitions (1st time marriage; 1st time parenting, step-family; etc.)
Emotional intimacy
Sexual intimacy
Spiritual intimacy
Affair recovery
Premarital therapy (see below)
Ministry couple
Getting Married?
Congratulations on your decision to get married! Whether you are already engaged or headed in that direction, we are excited to offer you two types of assessments to help prepare your life with your forever-to-be! The choice is yours. Click on each image below to find more information.
"Love is a heart that moves... Love moves away from the self and toward the other."
- Dan Allender & Tremper Longman III
PLEASE NOTE: Couples therapy is NOT recommended if there is abuse present (emotional, physical, mental, sexual, spiritual), if one or both in the relationship is struggling with an addiction (drugs, alcohol, gambling, porn, etc.) and/or one or both are in an active affair. The addiction(s) needs to be addressed first and if there is an active affair (emotional and/or physical) the affair must end in order for couple's therapy to work. Full disclosure regarding the affair must happen as well in order for couples to move forward. This is something ReEnvision can walk you through as part of your affair recovery process. If intimate partner violence is present in the relationship that abuse needs to be addressed, however, if one feels he/she, along with anyone else in the household are in danger, you must be in a safe place first. The Domestic Violence Hotline is: 1-800-799-7233. Safe Horizon is a great resource if you'd like more information or would like to understand if you are in an intimate partner abuse situation.